Alice Fennessy, Briana Jamieson, Annalisa Jean Bradley, Katie Morrow, Rose Young
Curated by Alice Fennessy and Katie Morrow
Parrotdog, Wellington
4/07/19 - 28/07/19
Hot pillows, a cold limb vulnerable outside the blanket, a watch beeping on the hour. In the liminal hours between dark and light, the most quiet noises and thoughts are amplified. For some, the sleepless night presents a private space to exist outside the pressures of the day. For others, it is a lonely toil, or a silent theatre of looping anxieties.
This exhibition brings together five local artists working in a range of mediums to respond to the lived experience of sleeplessness, exploring themes such as self-identity, exhaustion, intimacy and memory.
Installation view. Briana Jamieson, Late nights of dancing in houses / whiskey and the heat pump on / walking at dusk the next day / up into the forest, Briana Jamieson, After midnight a group of us walked down to the sea; the water was inky around our skin, Annalisa Jean Bradley, Surfacing, Katie Morrow, Saturation, Katie Morrow, Pulse, Rose Young, Prelude III with eels.
Installation view. Alice Fennessy, You, me and the moon, Alice Fennessy, Cry, cry, cry, Briana Jamieson, Late nights of dancing in houses / whiskey and the heat pump on / walking at dusk the next day / up into the forest
Late nights of dancing in houses / whiskey and the heat pump on / walking at dusk the next day / up into the forest, 2019. Cotton embroidery on calico, 100x135mm
After midnight a group of us walked down to the sea; the water was inky around our skin, 2019. Cotton embroidery on calico, 100x135mm
Briana Jamieson
© 2025