Ghosts, floating
Toi Poneke Gallery
5/04/19 - 27/04/19
Poetry Reading: 09/04/19
Review of Ghosts, floating
on a picnic blanket under the trees
contemplated our past people
staring out at the open grass.
aren’t sad anymore, only interested,
how memories fold into each other
disintegrate into tiny pieces,
themselves in song lyrics,
the smiles of familiar people that walk past.
Installation view
We danced under the carved cream ceiling of their lounge, 2018. Oil
on board, 300x395mm
Installation view
Apricot, 2018, oil
on board, 395x500mm
She positioned a stick in
the sand, just right, like the placement of lines in her posters. It created a
drawing with the sea, 2018, oil
on board, 395x500mm
Crisp apple, 2019, oil
on board, 300x395mm
We spent the summer in bodies of water, 2019, oil
on board, 480x610mm
We dug our hands into the
sand to find pockets of warmth, deep down, and smooth stones that fit in our
palms, 2018, oil
on board, 480x610mm
Hands folding berries into cream, 2018, oil
on board, 395x500mm
Caramel, 2019, oil on board, 235x270mm
They float in the yellow ochre water, 2019, oil on board, 235x270mm
Our clothes lay amongst mounds of seaweed and stones, 2019. Oil
on board, 395x500mm
Creek daisies, 2019. Oil
on board, 480x610mm
We danced under the carved cream ceiling of their lounge, 2018, oil
on board, 300x395mm