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Peach Tree
29 August - 24 September 2023

This series of paintings grew from the memory of ceremoniously planting a peach tree with friends. It tells an open-ended story of sharing food and drinks, and watching the sky.

 Exhibition text: Peach Tree by Briana Jamieson 
Rhubarb Cake With Custard, 2023
Oil on canvas, 425 x 425mm

Framed in eucalyptus by Elliot Creative

Alice’s Chocolate Zucchini Cake, 2023
Oil on canvas, 430 x 530mm

Framed in black walnut by Elliot Creative

Maisie’s House (View Road), 2023
Oil on canvas, 430 x 430mm

Framed in black walnut by Elliot Creative
Photograph by Cheska Brown

All the Trees and Sunsets We’ve Seen Together, 2023
Oil on canvas, 430 x 430mm

Framed in beech by Elliot Creative
Photograph by Cheska Brown

View From the Sand Dunes, 2023
Oil on linen, 430 x 430mm

Framed by Elliot Creative
Photograph by Cheska Brown

Maisie and Frances in the Fire Bath (Coast Road), 2023
Oil on canvas, 825 x 1225mm

Framed in white washed oak by Elliot Creative
Photograph by Cheska Brown

Red Peaches, 2023
Oil on canvas, 430 x 530mm

Framed in black walnut by Elliot Creative
Photograph by Cheska Brown

Morgan’s Birthday Dinner (Mushroom Pizza, Olive Oil, Aleppo Chilli Flakes, Gin), 2023
Oil on canvas, 770 x 1025mm

Framed in black walnut by Elliot Creative

Rainbow Mist, 2023
Oil on canvas, 825 x 1225mm

Framed in beech by Elliot Creative
Photograph by Cheska Brown

Peach Sunset, 2023
Oil on canvas, 430 x 430mm

Framed by Elliot Creative
Pale Blue Sky, 2023
Oil on canvas, 430 x 430mm

Framed by Elliot Creative
Photograph by Cheska Brown
All the Trees and Sunsets We’ve Seen Together at the studio
Peach Tree installed at Rita
Maisie’s House (View Road) in Alex’s home 

Briana Jamieson
© 2024