The Breathing Rooms
Jake Fairweather, Briana Jamieson
Across the Road Gallery, Wellington
17/05/16 - 28/05/16
Excerpt from a review of The Breathing Rooms for Art Murmurs, by Aimee Smith:
“Dotted along the wall sit Jamieson’s series Gherkins. Somehow serenely chipper, thanks to an uplifting palette of pale lemons, creams and oranges, Jamieson’s work captures the ghosts of moments. Bodies are washed and lost in space, her figures seeming to be cut-out of their environment as opposed to disrupting it. The result is harmony, a celebration of the one-beat perfection and sense of rightness with ourselves and with the space around us, before we exhale, and it is lost. Consulting the titles of the pieces brings extra life force to the paintings as the become engulfed in story - with names such as “At night we made pikelets and ate them by the table downstairs”, Jamieson finds the magic in specificty.
An exhibition called The Breathing Rooms can’t help but encourage a meditative experience. It is an opportunity to be in the here and now and reflect on the body. To reflect on your own body and celebrate, both as the pure, objective, external flesh and the suit of our mental and emotional experiences. So pop along this week, breathe in, reflect, and let it all go on the exhale. You’ll feel better for it.”
Left to right: At night we made pikelets and ate them by the table downstairs, On the steps above the road we took sips out of a cream bottle, We played King of Tokyo on the carpet by the door, It was cold and he brought us a plate of crackers
Briana Jamieson
© 2025