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Wishbone II
February 2024

A second series of paintings inspired by Jane Paul’s poems in the book Ebbs & Floods, following on from the first series shown at KAUKAU in October 2022.

“We watch swans shift with the tide; the sun low in the sky, beckoning change. The colours curling into deep shades of orange, peach outreaching to purple.” - excerpt from ‘Swans’ one of the poems in Ebbs & Floods by Jane Paul.
Watching the Sky (July), 2023
Oil on canvas, 430 x 430mm

Framed in custom beech by Elliot Creative

Available at KAUKAU

Honeydew, 2023
Oil on canvas, 430 x 530mm

Framed in custom beech by Elliot Creative


Sunlight Held Like Lovers, 2023
Oil on canvas, 430 x 430mm

Framed in custom black walnut by Elliot Creative


Watching the Sky (August, 5:45pm), 2023
Oil on canvas, 425 x 425mm

Framed in white frame face with raw beech sides by Elliot Creative

Available at KAUKAU

Wish, 2023
Oil on canvas, 430 x 430mm

Framed in ash by Elliot Creative

Watching the Sky (June, 5:25pm), 2023
Oil on canvas, 430 x 430mm

Framed in custom beech by Elliot Creative


To Love, 2023
Oil on canvas, 425 x 425mm

Framed in white tray frame by Elliot Creative


Feels Like Home, 2023
Oil on canvas, 435 x 435mm

Framed in custom beech by Elliot Creative



Dark Water Lilies (In Sunlight, In Moonlight), 2023
Oil on canvas,  425 x 425mm

Framed in custom beech by Elliot Creative


Cygnets (Swanlings), 2023
Oil on canvas, 430 x 530mm

Framed in custom black walnut by Elliot Creative


Briana Jamieson
© 2024